The "2nd International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World," organized by the Department of Information Management of Hacettepe University, will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from 22-24 September 2010.  It aims to bring together both researchers and practitioners to discuss the impact of technological convergence and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter on current information management practices in libraries, archives and museums and their implications for education for library and information science.  Convergence and social networks also influence the scholarly electronic publishing, open access and institutional archives, digitization of cultural heritage and the socialization of information.  

The technological convergence is defined as the intertwinement of technologies.  A single product such as a cell phone can be used not only to communicate but also to take pictures, listen to music, get access to the Web, and find our way by successfully combining the communication, audio, video, web and GPS technologies.  Similarly, our professional, personal and social lives also converge.  Social networks such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn are used not only for social networking and entertainment but also for access to information, for learning and for carrying out professional work. Social networks commonly have Web 2.0 features, offer personalized services and allow users to incorporate their own content easily and describe, organize and share it with others, thereby enriching users’ experience.  Users expect information providing organizations to offer similar services and they want libraries to be as accessible, flexible, open to collaboration and sharing as that of social networks.  The future of libraries, archives and museums is closely associated with how successfully they meet the demands of digital users.

Main topics of the Symposium are as follows:

Technological Convergence and Information Management

  • Digital information services
  • Digital collection management
  • Web 2.0 and reference services
  • Virtual libraries
  • M-libraries
  • Library 2.0
  • Convergence and records management
  • Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Semantic Web
  • E-governance and Web 2.0 technologies
  • Publishing and Web 2.0 technologies
  • Open access, institutional archives and  Web 2.0
  • Incorporating user-created content in library collections

Social Networks and Web 2.0 Technologies

  • Blogs, wikis, RSS, Second Life
  • Use of social networks
  • Folksonomies
  • Digital natives, digital immigrants
  • Protection of private information
  • Digital rights management
  • Identity management
  • Reputation management

Convergence, Social Networks and Education

  • Online education
  • Use of social networks in education
  • Convergence and education for information management
  • Information literacy
  • Web 2.0 technologies and education for information management
  • Distance education and convergence

Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage

  • Digitization of cultural heritage
  • Digital re-discovery of culture
  • Digital museums and exhibitions
  • Digitization of 2-D and 3-D cultural heritage products
  • The European Digital Library, Europeana
  • Digital information policies
  • E-governance and cultural heritage
  • Permanent archiving of digital cultural heritage

Socialization of Information and Convergence

  • Right to access to digital information 
  • The concept of public space in social networks
  • Social networks and law
  • Digital rights in social networks
  • Digital censorship
  • Life-long learning and social networks

Information Organization, Information Architecture and Information Retrieval

  • Ontology development
  • Metadata harvesting
  • Interoperability and standards
  • Information architecture and web design
  • Designing usable web sites
  • Mobile information retrieval
  • GIS and information retrieval
  • Mashups
  • Data mining

Interdisciplinary studies

  • Cognitive sciences and information management
  • Webometrics and social networks
  • Bibliometrics and informetrics
  • User studies

The themes are not limited with the above topics.  In addition to papers, posters, workshops and panels on the impact of convergence and social networks on information management, papers on information and records management in general are also welcome.  Student papers and posters will also be considered. Accepted papers and posters will appear in the proceedings book and the Symposium web site.

Main Page

Proceedings Book

Keynote Speaker
Organizing Committee
Programme Committee